About Rachel
Official Bio

Let me introduce myself!
Since 2007, I have been published by Harlequin Mills & Boon, Kensington Books, Aria Fiction, Harpeth Road, the Wild Rose Press and most recently Boldwood Books.
As the years have gone by, history has become my passion (so much so I am also studying for a History degree!) and I’ve concentrated solely on writing historical fiction and sagas.
The majority of my books are set in Bath which is the famous backdrop of period dramas such as Bridgerton, Poldark, Pride & Prejudice and many more. The overall theme of my books is female empowerment/social injustice often with family, friendship and love conquers all thrown in for good measure!
I am also hugely passionate about helping aspiring writers achieve their writing dreams and opened my Author Services in 2019. Since then, I have helped numerous writers sign their first book contracts and/or win competitions. As well as offering proofreading, I also critique partial and full manuscripts up to 100,000 words. I am currently working on other services so watch this space or my social media for updates!
Here’s the link to my Author Services if you’d like to know more.
Happy reading & writing!
Rachel x

Rachel Writes...
The Home Front Nurses series, Shop Girl series, The Ladies of Carson Trilogy & other stand-alone titles
Various romance and
romantic suspense titles
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