
Bestselling Novelist & Writer

Rachel Brimble

Inspiration, Empowerment & Romance…
One Book at a Time

New & Upcoming Releases

Dressing the Countess by Rachel Brimble

Coming Soon!

WWII Fiction
The Home Front Nurses Series

Dressing the Countess by Rachel Brimble

Available Now!

Historical Romance

Her Scandalous Suitor by Rachel Brimble

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Historical Romance

A Shop Girl at Sea: Coming March 2021!

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Historical Romance

Dressing the Countess by Rachel Brimble

August 8th, 2024

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September 1941, Bath – three friends are about to find that some of the biggest battles are to be found on the home front…

As war rages and brave soldiers returning home from the frontline need nurses more than ever, fiercely proud redhead Sylvia Roberts is determined to help in any way she can. In spite of her mother’s belief she isn’t good enough, Sylvia believes that becoming a home front nurse is her calling.
Together with the two friends she makes on her first day in the job – Freda and Veronica – she knows she can help save lives. And, as the devastation of war shows no signs of ceasing, their work becomes ever more vital.

Then Sylvia’s life is thrown into the path of a man who might just be able to capture her heart. Even though he is somebody who everyone – except her best friends – seems prejudiced against. Can love really conquer all, in times of war?

One thing she knows is that – in the dangerous days that will follow – she and her friends will all need to support each other right to the end…

The Home Front Nurses is a gripping, uplifting story of unbreakable bonds of friendship in times of strife and heartbreak.

Rachel  Writes…

Bestselling Author Rachel Brimble: Inspiration, Empowerment and Romance... One Book at a Time


Pennington’s Shop Girls, The Ladies of Carson Street, The Royal Maids, and Victorian Romances

Bestselling Author Rachel Brimble: Inspiration, Empowerment and Romance... One Book at a Time


The Templeton Cove Stories
and Stand-Alone Novels & Novellas

Bestselling Author Rachel Brimble: Inspiration, Empowerment and Romance... One Book at a Time


Sexy, compelling, addictive romances and series novels that can be read as stand-alones

Empowering Readers

Book by Book

What  Readers  Are  Saying

Bestselling Author Rachel Brimble: Inspiration, Empowerment and Romance... One Book at a Time

“I know I’ve probably said this about Rachel Brimble before but I am always astounded by the diversity of her writing. Just when I think I’ve found a new favourite book of hers in one genre, I then find myself completely hooked on another book in a different genre! Her writing is that good!”

~Brook Cottage Books

“I love how Rachel Brimble writes her stories full of hope and love with some gripping story lines that leave you with plenty to think about long after you have finished. “

~Clare & Lou’s Mad About Books

“I know whatever is coming next from Rachel Brimble it will be wonderful!”

~Brizzlelass Books

“I’ve become addicted to Rachel Brimble’s talented writing style, and just can’t get enough.”

~The Power of Three Readers

About  the  Author

Author of 28 novels, for the last few years Rachel has been writing Edwardian & Victorian romances set in the city of Bath. Her books often include themes of female empowerment and social injustice as well as welcome doses of humour and delicious sensuality.

Her most popular series are the Shop Girls series and the Ladies of Carson Street trilogy – both available now!

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Bestselling Author Rachel Brimble: Inspiration, Empowerment and Romance... One Book at a Time
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Bestselling Author Rachel Brimble: Inspiration, Empowerment and Romance... One Book at a Time

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